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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thermostat set to: skinny

In the winter, we usually keep our thermostat well below 60 degrees. This is attributable to two facts: (1) we are environmentally conscious students who are concerned about our energy consumption but mostly (2) we are environmentally conscious students who don't have any money. And our house leaks hot air like Rush Limbaugh at a pride parade.

But wait! It turns out we're not being cheap! We're just being thin. According to Science, "there is a direct link between 'reduced exposure to seasonal cold and increases in obesity in the UK and US,'" as reported in The Telegraph (in, heads up, a very poorly written article).
The co-author, Marcella Ucci, added, "The findings suggest that lower winter temperatures in buildings might contribute to tackling obesity as well as reducing carbon emissions."
Well, I'm gonna go put on another Snuggie. Here's to being a little bit fatter next year.


  1. I guess it's good our house leaks so much hot air.

  2. I have a feeling you wrote the post for the sole purpose of using this line: "And our house leaks hot air like Rush Limbaugh at a pride parade."
