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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Food Violations: And the winners are...

India - Sights & Culture - Common garbage dump outside a temple

Alpha Koney Island! And... Sheesh! Sheesh? And... Vinology?

In this list that published yesterday of all the FDA Food Code violations in Ann Arbor restaurants, there are the expected, chain-restaurant offenders. But then there are swanky places like Vinology, which has six critical and eight non-critical offenses. A few of them actually sound like a deal, like keeping the cutting board sanitized and making sure unwrapped straws aren't stored directly underneath soap dispensers. Is their storage/kitchen area really small or something? How would that happen in the first place?

All I know is I hope all the sushi places in town get their acts together. A bunch of them are on there, and the first thing people think of when they hear "food violation" and "sushi" together is a romantic night with the toilet.

Photo credit to McKay Savage.


  1. In my experience, making sure you don't get any violations involves walking around your restaurant with a checklist and a little common sense. Food safety is not rocket science.

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