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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ann Arbor, The 15th most lesbianish city in the US

Hot on the heals of being crowned 6th gayest city by the Advocate, Jezebel has named Ann Arbor the 15th most lesbianish city. We fall right between Philadelphia and Atlanta. There doesn't really appear to be any metric so it's hard to argue with a proclamation like that.

Update: This was originally from Autostraddle, not Jezebel.


Ann Arbor, the 6th gayest city

Ann Arbor 23rd gayest mid-sized city


  1. Jezebel used the word "lesbianish," not "liberalish." There can be a big difference.

  2. I should not write posts carelessly during meetings. Lesson learned.

  3. Also, just to throw a wrench into things, that piece originally came from another site (credited by Jezebel) -

    I just felt obliged to point that out b/c I'm a loyal Autostraddle reader, just as I think everyone should be. (or at least most of us queers)

  4. Dang! I clearly didn't read til the end of the article. I am the worst today.
