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Friday, May 18, 2012

Look Round, Play Regardless

I've been noticing some chain link fences are having some nice phrases "written" on them. These two are on Plymouth between Barton and Murfin, and Ann at Glen respectively. I've been looking for more, so if you've seen some, or know what they're about, let me know.


  1. There is one on the east side of Huron Parkway just North of Glazier Way. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it said.

    1. I'll try and make it over there on a bike ride and upload a picture. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Used to say

    "get there"

    on the fence around Elbel Field across from Ravelli. Then it just said


    and now it just says


  3. 'look round' originally said 'look around'

  4. Yes, I love these little public pronouncements from everyone and no one -- where you least expect them! These little dalliances are technically illegal, of course, so I have permission only to admit that she is a spritely UM artist, traveling for art and love through Scandinavia this summer. And she can do amazing things with plain paper bags. And a good font moves her.

    1. Let her know we'll miss her work in town this summer if you get the chance!

  5. i've seen a few around and what amazed me is that it's a really good looking font,

  6. The font is really great. Impressive.
