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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Creative Rights: In Progress

The late great Shakey Jake by Adam Bota.

EJ and I were fortunate enough to check out Creative Rights' In Progress reception last night. It was a lot of fun and we got to see some really cool art. Tonight the party continues at 1250 N. Main with more art, more performances, live music, a DJ and a dance party. The evening starts at 7 pm and runs till 2am. Cover is $5 and goes to benefit Creative Rights. It should be a really fun time and the venue, on the corner of North Main and Lakeshore, is a really cool space. Without further ado, here are some pictures form last night's reception.

A group of reception goers admire a folded paper work by Audrey Stanton.

Creative Rights executive director, Brandon Weiner, started the non-profit last year after graduating Law School at U of M. The organization provides free comprehensive legal services to artists and other creative professionals.

An awesome post apocalyptic tutu by costume designer, Meryl Waldo.

This was my favorite performance piece of the night. I'm not sure who it was by, but it was about giant panda conservation efforts. It contained the line "[In an attempt to get him to mate] Scientists gave Yo-yo the panda a Viagra. Yo-yo masturbated and then took a nap." If that's not art, I don't know what is.

All in all the evening was super fun. We got to talk to some really cool people and see some great art. I have no doubt that the dance party tonight will be well worth the price of admission.