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Friday, June 14, 2013

Michigan Modern on display at Cranbrook

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An exhibit on Michigan's contributions to mid-century modern design opens at the Cranbrook Art Museum today. Michigan Modern: Design that Shaped America focuses on the contributions of Michigan designers and architects to the modern design movement. It includes some important modern architecture buildings in Ann Arbor like architect William Muschenheim's house (above). There's even a little booklet of all the Ann Arbor buildings so you could go on a tour of your own if you want.

In my two minutes of research for this piece, I learned that there is a group, a2 modern, dedicated to modern architecture in Ann Arbor.

H/T: EMWilcox


  1. How interesting that you posted this because we are heading out to Cranbrook today and weren't sure if we should hit the museum or the science center. Thanks, buddy!

  2. Do they cover Albert Kahn at all?

  3. According to this, they do have Albert Kahn:
