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Monday, October 28, 2013

Ann Arbor City Council race campaign finance rundown

The Chronicle has a good rundown of campaign donations for the city council race. Well, technically it only covers campaign contributions through Oct. 20 th. So if you want to make some shady campaign contributions, now's the time. Here's a summary of the contributions:
Ward 1:
Sabra Briere - Democrat, Incumbent: $11,800
Jeff Hayner - Independent: $2,680

Ward 2:
Jane Lumm - Independent, Incumbent: $20,875
Kirk Westphal - Democrat: $10,103
Conrad Brown - Mixed Use Party: Less than $1,000

Ward 3:
Stephen Kunselman - Democrat, Incumbent: $6,015
Sam DeVarti -Mixed Use Party: $945

Ward 4:
Jack Eaton - Democrat: $9,200 William Lockwood - Mystery Write-In Candidate: ?

Ward 5:
Mike Anglin - Democrat, Incumbent: $4,299
Chip Smith - Democrat, Write-in Challenger: less than $1,000 Thomas Partridge - Write-in Challenger: ?

If you want to see maps of where folks contributions have come from, make sure you check out the Chronicle's article.

Assorted musings:

All in all, donations total more than $50,000. Based on donations, it seems as though the Ward 2 race is the most highly contested with more than $30,000. What do you spend that on for a race in Ann Arbor? It's not like we have a local TV market. It would be interesting to see local campaign commercials though.

Do donations mirror public support? Will they predict the outcome of the election?

In the Ward 2 race, will Conrad Brown pull votes from CM Lumm, or from Kirk Westphal? Will he be able to pull a significant amount of votes?

Gentle readers, do you plan to vote in the election next Tuesday? What are the important issues for you?

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