Monday, December 16, 2024

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: December 16, 2024


Gentle reader, tonight is the last #a2Council meeting of the year. Here's the agenda

The real spicy chili tonight will be during public comment reserved time. Several people will be calling in to protest the elimination of sidewalk gaps. Look, I'm all for saving trees when possible, but the city must prioritize closing sidewalk gaps. A good compromise would be eliminating on-street parking to allow for both trees and sidewalks. 

The meeting kicks off with a modes, 10-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-1 and CA-2 are for park improvements. You love to see it. CA-7 is to accept an election headquarters grant. Nice. 

There is one public hearing on the agenda this evening. PH-1/B-1 is on the second reading of an amendment to the UDC that expands the zones where Child Care Centers and Private Schools can be located. 

There are two ordinance first readings on the docket this evening. C-1 is an ordinance to amend on-street parking rules around snow. C-2 is an ordinance to add a new section to the building code to regulate pre-tenancy fees for renters. Glad to see this coming. 

On to the resolutions: DC-1 is a resolution to amend the rules agreement with Recycle Ann Arbor for running the Drop-Off Station. DC-2 is a resolution to appoint Aaron Cooper and Patricia Manley to the Independent Community Police Oversight Commission. DS-1 is a resolution to authorize publication of the updates to the zoning code from PH-1/B-1. 

If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: December 2, 2024


Gentle readers, it's #a2Council Night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda

The evening kicks off with a scant, 6-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-2: the city is buying a tandem axel dump truck. 

There is one public hearing on the docket this evening. PH-1/B-1 is for the second reading of the ordinance to ban putting trash cans in bike lane. 

There is one ordinance first reading on the agenda this evening. C-1 amends the UDC rules on fences, reimbursements, public and private utilities. 

On to the resolutions. DC-1 is a resolution to accept grant from the American Lung Association and appropriate Climate Action Millage funds to purchase two electric garbage trucks. DC-2 is a resolution to approve the 2025 council calendar.  

DS-1 and DS-2 are this evening's spiciest chilis. DS-1 is a resolution to approve a grant contract with MDoT for engineering services for a runway extension at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport. DS-2 is a resolution to approve a professional services agreement with C&S Engineers, Inc.  for the runway safety extension project. 

If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky.