There's a show about zombies on AMC that I think is too disturbing to watch. (There's a scene in the first episode in which a zombie mom is trying to get into the house where her non-zombie husband and non-zombie son are hiding. Zombies are not bright, so she just stands listlessly at the front door, turning and turning the handle, as her son bawls quietly in the next room, his face buried in a pillow. I think about it every time I walk past our front door.)
Anyway, Steven Yeun K'05 plays the part of Glenn. I don't know anything about his character, as he is not in the first episode, but I did see Yeun in Monkapult, K College's improv group, when I was a freshman. He was great in that. Seriously, though: watch this show at your own risk.
Here he is talking about how scary zombies are (he starts at 0:50):
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