Monday, April 11, 2011

Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor from Seth McCubbin on Vimeo.

By Seth McCubbin. This makes me feel like I live in a big city.


  1. It makes me feel like I am being incepted. But then again, everything looks cooler in time-lapse.

  2. But you don't. You live in Ann Arbor. That being said, I'm glad the stadium/football didn't figure in the montage. Living in a town where the largest structure is dedicated to six or seven annual events for an extra-curricular activity is weird.

  3. From the new tourism campaign, "Pure Koyaanisqatsi"?

  4. I would hope the "Pure Koyaanisqatsi" campaign would also feature uncomfortable close-ups, and slow motion shots of people in Ann Arbor. Like someone slowly licking an ice cream cone at Stucchi's. Oh and maybe a montage of the ham hocks at Zingerman's.

  5. Where did he get the sunshine:-)

  6. Okay..what is that music? I the only that thinks there should be credits over that and the next scene is of a Los Angeles Class Submarine plying Lake Erie and getting ready to launch cruise missiles at Columbus?

  7. The scene and the music for some reason reminded me of the opening of a Tom Clancy movie or something like that. So my mind put the opening scene in the movie......
