Oh wait, you don't know what the hey Take Back the Night is? Alright, here goes: It's a national organization with small branches all over the United States that put on events that give survivors of sexual assault a safe space to talk about what happened to them. All TBTNs are different - this one separates the sharing portion from the rally/march. The rally and march are more celebratory, whereas the speak out is emotionally draining, yet cathartic and so, so important.
Josh and I both volunteer for Michigan Takes Back the Night (okay I volunteer for them, and Josh volunteers for University Students Against Rape, but they're essentially the same organization). We've been working all year to raise money and organize this shabang, so if you want to hear other survivors, want to talk about being a survivor, know someone else who might benefit from this type of event, etc., by all means come on down to the Kalamazoo Room in the Michigan League tonight at 7 p.m.
Even if you think it's all hooey, you'll at least get some chocolate out of it.
There are also Take Back the Night events in Detroit this week. A rally tomorrow (Wed.) in Cadillac Square, 6-8pm. And another event Friday at Marygrove College, 6-9pm.
ReplyDeleteInformation on the events at bottom of the page:
Thanks for the links Levent.