Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Goodbye Old West Side

You've been pretty good to me. Here is what I'm going to miss about living with you these past two years:
  • Living three blocks away from Old Town and Fleetwood
  • The inexplicable free wifi at Pizza Pino
  • Grownup picnics in Wurster Park
  • Riding my bike down William on my way home from work
  • Our basement constantly reminding us exactly where the Allen Creek floodplain is
  • Living a 5 minute walk away from the Y
  • Walking to Washtenaw Dairy as soon as the weather starts to turn nice
  • Hearing the train drive past at night
Old West Side, it's been a good run these last years. For now I'm off to explore some of Ann Arbor's other neighborhoods, but perhaps someday soon I will return.


  1. Once an Old West Side(er) always so. It is the best. Particularly the Allen Creek. Where else can you get waterfront property so cheap?

  2. I'm moving back to the OWS in August, and am looking forward to all of these things and more.

  3. I wish I could afford to live on the OWS!!!! :( You guys are lucky!
