Thursday, December 22, 2011

Place that photo: A D-town cheat

Batter up, ladies and gents: Time to place this photo! For the first time, I'm entering a specimen outside of good 'ole A2 - the only clue you're getting is that this is in Detroit. That and I think I will force people to go here with me on my birthday.

To be honest, I'm not sure how well known this place is. I have a fear that it's some special Detroit thang that errbuddy here down in SE MI knew about as soon as they turned five. I shall say no more about this place, just in case (rhyming!). All you need to know is that I expect you to take a gander, figure out where this is and enter your best guess in the comments below. First to guess it right will be damned on our Twitter feed, so be sure to leave your Twitter handle. If you don't, we'll just damn your damn name.


  1. That's feather bowling at Cadieux Cafe. Mmmm muscles. @ischemicbrew (i'm a beer geek)

  2. @IschemicBrew Beer geek perhaps, but they're mussels, not muscles. And damn tasty ones at that.

  3. Right you are IschemicBrew and Laura. Mussels and Feather Bowling, 2012!

  4. BAH, I had it too. You can't fool me damnarbor!
