Saturday, February 25, 2012

Remember 1992?

When the world was a simpler place and boomeranging was all the rage on the streets of Ann Arbor? Yeah, me neither. Thankfully YouTube does:

How come everything from TV in the 90s looks like the 70s now?


  1. Nicely spotted! One of Ted Bailey's local Ann Arbor pals, also a boomerang maker, is totter alum Patrick Cardiff. For his ride brought along a beautiful boomerang made of walnut.

    Later he made a teeter totter themed one, which he taught me to throw at Allmendinger Park, which looks like the same location as the CNN piece. It's a good boomerang venue, according to Cardiff.

  2. Okay, so after watching the video a couple more times, I don't think that's Allmendinger Park. But I also can't figure out where it is.

  3. I love the boomerangs are becoming more popular, thanks to science. Thanks science!

  4. So, we have proof that 'headline news' from 1992 was about as worthy of being called 'headline' as the news we get thrown at us today...
