"Though its name has changed—The Bismark, Union Bar, Merkel’s Friendly Corner, now Old Town Tavern—the corner of Liberty and Ashley remains a favorite townie bar, 114 years and counting. Ann Arbor, Michigan"
Oliver Uberti is a local visual journalist and member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators. A U of M graduate, after working for National Geographic from 2003 to 2012, he relocated to Ann Arbor to start his own studio, Oliver Uberti Creative. I came across his tumblr yesterday which is full of awesome illustrations of day to day life in Ann Arbor. Oliver was kind enough to allow me to repost some of the illustrations. Pretty awesome right? In his response to my email, Oliver said the following:
When I'm not traveling, I mostly draw things that stop me in my tracks on my way about town. If you or your readers would like to see specific things drawn, let me know. Assignments could be fun, especially if they're open-ended tags like #makesmehappy, #fail, #imnotafanof, or #FML.So if you'd like to suggest some illustrations, go to his tumblr and drop him a line.
"Amtrak is late again. Ann Arbor, Michigan"
"The day before Thanksgiving, last-minute shoppers peruse a spread of potatoes, pumpkins, and squash from Nemeth Farms at the Kerrytown Farmer’s Market. Ann Arbor, Michigan"
All images and captions courtesy of Oliver Uberti
Oh, I love this!