Thursday, April 19, 2018

A very special #a2council meeting

Gentle readers, this Monday, April 23rd, there will be a special meeting of the Ann Arbor City Council. On the agenda: buying the Y Lot. An interesting wrinkle in all this Ryan Stanton just got the Ann Arbor to release the independent appraisal of the parcel which places the value between $7.7 million and $12.5 million depending on the size of the building built there. Nice FOIAing Ryan. You can see the whole appraisal over on

Interestingly, this is very close to the value range calculated by Ryan Tobais' "lazy appraisal" method, which places the value between $5.5 million and $12.9 million:


  1. I like that we are substantiating the potential value of the parcel. What does this mean in regards to our use of it? I do not think the optimal use of this lot is to buy it and flip it to the highest bidder. We need this lot for workers and for people who've been pushed out of Ann Arbor in recent years. We should be focusing on that.

  2. Sure, but I think we can both agree that regardless, Dahlmann isn't going to be the best actor to do that, and the revenue can be used to further that goal in addition to giving AA more control over what the lot becomes.
