Monday, July 15, 2019

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: July 15, 2019

Damn Arbor logo by Jon Wilcox

Gentle reader, it's Council Night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda for all you #a2council-heads out there. There is some good stuff on the docket tonight including several sidewalk assessments and a potential mayoral veto override. Let's take a look, shall we?

The agenda kicks off with an 18 item consent agenda. CA-8, Barton Dr. Sidewalk Special Assessment Resolution 1, is the first sidewalk item of the evening. Of late, lots of sidewalk items have been pulled from the agenda, so if I were a betting man, I would guess this might get pulled tonight. This item would appropriate $25,000 from the General Fund Balance for staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to fill sidewalk gaps along the north side of Barton Drive from M-14 ramp to Starwick Drive.

After the consent agenda we have 4 public hearings. PH-1 is on the second reading of the ordinance to amend the city's rules for purchasing, contracting, and selling. PH-2 is resolution no. 4 confirming a single lot assessment for a sidewalk along the south side of Argo Drive. The Property at 1425 Pontiac Trail would be assessed. The owners of the property are arguing they should not be assessed for the sidewalk. PH-3 is resolution no. 4 for a sidewalk special assessment for properties along the south side of Scio Church between 7th and Main. PH-4 is resolution no. 4 to establish a Special Assessment District for the Dhu Varren Sidewalk Improvements Project. See, lots on sidewalks.

In the ordinance first readings, C-1 is a conditional rezoning of 325 E Summit from C1B (Community Convenience Center District) to C1A (Campus Business District). This is to allow for a 4 story apartment building called The Garnet.

The spiciest chili pepper on tonight's agenda is DC-3, a resolution to override the Mayor's veto of r-19-325, which would have put charter amendment before voters to change Ann Arbor's elections to non-partisian.

Make sure you tune in tonight at 7 to watch CTN's live stream and follow the blow-by-blow action on #a2council hashtag on Twitter.


  1. Replies
    1. But thanks for the thorough pre-writeup!

      Letter from owners against sidewalk on Argo Dr. is interesting.

