What better way to celebrate a snowy Fat Tuesday than with a #a2counil meeting? Here's the agenda. If you'd like a deeper dive into some parts of the agenda, check out the latest episode of A2AF.
The evening kicks off with a deep, 22-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-5, traffic calming for Glenwood. Also, CA-12, street closing in front of Conor O'Neil's for St. Patrick's. At the risk of editorializing, are we really at a place where we should be encouraging drunken revelry? I guess it'll be outside...
There are two public hearings on the docket for this evening. PH-1/DB-1 is on the site plan for St. Francis of Assisi, 2150 Frieze Ave. The parish is planning a 2-story, 14,570 sq ft addition. Are site approvals for religious institutions just a formality? Does anyone have a good grasp of the intersection between RLUIPA and local zoning law? PH-2/DB-2 is the site plan for 907 and 913 S. Main. This by-right project involves the demolition of two single family houses and replacing them with a 6-unit apartment complex. The real question here is: why do we make by-right projects come up for review by council?
Elsewhere on the agenda, we have C-1, a routine township island annexation. DC-2 is a motion to reconsider the council rules amendment from last council meeting. It's probably the first spicy chili of the night. We've also got DC-3, a resolution to determine the cost feasibility of supplemental snow removal within the DDA boundaries. This may seem like a no-brainer. But my understanding is that this is already handled by the downtown business improvement zones. For a deeper dive into this check out the latest episode of the Ann Arbor AF podcast.
As always, gentle reader, I am probably forgetting some very important items here. What agenda items are you most looking forward to seeing. I am guessing that tonight will be another late night around the virtual council table. Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2council hashtag.
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