Gentle reader, tonight is the first #a2Council meeting for March. Here's the agenda, and here's the A2AF episode for the meeting. Make sure you check it out for the discussion of PUDs.
The meeting kicks off with a short, 11-item consent agenda. Of note, CAs 1 through 3 are street closings for FoolMoon, The Monroe Street Fair, and FestiFools, respectively. CA-8 is for traffic calming along Northside Ave. You love to see it.
There is one public hearing tonight, PH-1/B-1 is on some technical changes to the employee retirement system. This passed without discussion during first reading.
There are two ordinance first readings on the agenda tonight. They are both great. C-1 is the PUD for the Old Y Lot. TL;DR here, it'll be a 20-story building with a good amount of subsidized units. You love to see it happen. C-2 is the first TC1 rezoning. 68 parcels in the State and Eisenhower area that will be rezoned in the new Transit Corridor zone. This is awesome, and I hope it is the first of many TC1 zonings we see.
There are 4 resolutions on the agenda tonight. DC-1 is a resolution on the need for reliability improvements for upgrades to DTEs streetlights. DC-2 is the contract for replacing the Third and Mosley water main. DC-3 is a resolution to appoint a couple of folks to the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority. DC-4 is a resolution to appoint Kevin McDonald as Interim City Attorney.
And that's it. What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag.
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