Gentle readers, tonight is the first #a2Council meeting of the new council. Let's check out the agenda.
The evening kicks off with a short, 9-item consent agenda. CA-8, a resolution approving a contract with the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County for a warming center.
There are two public hearings on the docket tonight. PH-1/B-1 is a the second reading of the sidewalk ordinance from last meeting. PH-2/DS-1 is on a resolution to authorize commercial access to the city's fiber optic network.
On to the resolutions! DC-1 establishes the order of succession for the new council. CM Radina will be Mayor Pro Tem, who will run meetings in the event that Taylor is unavailable. DC-2 is a resolution asking the federal government to explore better uses for the Federal Building site at 200 E. Liberty. DC-3 is a resolution approving a lease of a hangar at KARB (the municipal airport). DC-4 is a resolution authorizing staff to apply for a Great Lakes Energy High Water Infrastructure Grant Program. DS-2 is a resolution to approve an agreement between the city and the DDA for sidewalk repairs.
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