Monday, January 23, 2023

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: January 23, 2023


It's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda for tonight's meeting. 

The evening kicks off with a modest, 10-item consent agenda. CA-1, and CA-2 are on That Damn Bridge (East Medical Center Drive Bridge). Though good news, the resolution has been updated and now Umich is agreeing to pay for 3/4 the cost and to have wider sidewalks. CA-9 is an amendment to the project at 841 Broadway. They are planning to include affordable units instead of doing a payment-in-lieu of affordable units. Finally, there's CA-10, the street closure for the Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5k on March 12. Anyone want to run it?

There is one ordinance first reading tonight. C-1 is to establish the Robert and Irma Hayden House Historic District. Robert Hayden was the first African American to hold the office that because Poet Laureate and also a notable rider of the No. 5 AAATA Bus. This would establish a historic district for his old house at, 1201 Gardner Avenue in Lower Burns Park. 

There are two resolutions on the docket this evening. DC-1 is to accept a settlement in the case of Rasiel Alvarez-Rodriguez v. City of Ann Arbor et al.. This stems from an event where an AAPD officer rear-ended the plaintiff in June of 2019. The city is settling for $39,000 to cover head and neck injuries sustained in the incident. DC-2 is to authorize the city to be listed as a supporting municipality in an amicus brief filed in the US Supreme Court in Biden v Nebraska and the Department of Education v. Brown. 

And that's all there is. Looks like a pretty modest agenda. What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on 

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