Monday, November 6, 2023

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: November 6, 2023


It's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor gentle readers. Here's the agenda

The evening kicks off with a respectable, 20-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-17, accepting the donation of a park at 1420 Maple. There's also CA-18, a contract for installing public restrooms in and near Downtown. 

There are no public hearings on the docket tonight. But there are 4 ordinance first readings. C-1 is an amendment to the Lockwood PUD. One problem when you force so many projects to be PUDs, you end up making it very difficult to make minor changes to a project. C-2 is rezoning the some of the Briarwood Parking Lot from Parking (the worst zone) to C2B (business services). This is good. The city should get rid of the Parking zone from the city's zoning code. C-3 is a fix to the city's downtown premiums for the D1 and D2 zone. These premiums have been so onerous that they have stopped all new construction in these zones. Good to see this fix going in. C-4 is changes to setback rules in the transit corridor district. 

On to the resolutions. DC-1 is a resolution to appoint Anya Ganger to the Health and Human Services Advisory Board. DC-2 is to hire a consulting firm to help with the Bryant School geothermal project. DC-3 is a resolution to move precinct 2-20 from First United Methodist to King Elementary. Finally, DC-4, is a resolution to accelerate safety improvements on Ann Arbor's many stroads. You love to see it. 

What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on 

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