Monday, January 22, 2024

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: January 22, 2024


Gentle readers, it's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda

The evening kicks off with a scant, 8-item consent agenda. CA-1, is the street closure for the Shamrocks & Shenanigans Run. Looks like we are back in street closure season. Elsewhere in the consent agenda we have CA-7, the development agreement for the awesome project going in at 121 Catherine. 

There are 4 public hearings on the docket this evening. PH-1/B-1 is the second reading of the Plymouth TC-1 District. Awesome. PH-2/B-2 is the second reading of an amendment to the Unified Development Code to add additional permitted uses to the Office district: Banquet Hall, Personal Services, Veterinary Uses. PH-3/B-3 is the second reading of an amendment to allow front and backyard solar in residential zoned districts. PH-4/B-4 is on the second reading of an ordinance to modify Ann Arbor's non-discrimination ordinance to prohibit city contractors inquiry into applicants criminal records until after a conditional employment offer has been made. 

There is one ordinance first reading on tonight's agenda. C-1 removes the requirement for a conflicting land use buffer between similar land use types. 

Further down the agenda we get to the resolutions. DC-1 is a resolution to approve hiring Marua K. Thomas as the Executive Director of the DDA. DC-2 is a resolution to add Lubny (Лубни́) Ukraine as a sister city. DS-1 and DS-2 are resolutions to publish the changes to the UDC from B-2 and B-3 respectively. 

That's it, gentle reader. What items are you most excited for? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on 

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