Monday, February 3, 2025

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: February 3, 2025

Gentle reader, it's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda.

The evening kicks off with a modest, 10-item consent agenda. CA-1 and CA-2 are street closures for Fool Moon and FestiFools, respectively. CA-3 is a street closure for the Big House 5k. 

There is one public hearing on the agenda this evening. PH-1/B-1 for the second reading of an ordinance to amend the rules for best value contracting. 

There are two ordinance first readings on the agenda tonight. C-1 is an ordinance to rezone 0.6 Acres from R1C to Public Land at 2570, 2576, and 2582 Dexter Road. Look, I love parks, but I wonder if Ann Arbor wouldn't be better served with housing here, instead of a pocket park. Especially this area, which is within walking distance of 2 grocery stores. 

C-2 is an ordinance to amend the rules for the Public Market Advisory Commission. This is the commission that oversees the Farmers Market. The changes here look like pretty standard updates to commission rules that commissions do from time to time. 

On to the resolutions, or, should I say resolution, because there is only one. DC-1 is a resolution to direct the City Attorney to provide a public legal memorandum regarding the City's intervention in DTE Proceedings before the the Michigan Public Service Commission. 

If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky. 

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