The homeless, a growing population across the United States, particularly Michigan, is left without a voice. The prevailing attitude seems to be that if you are homeless it is entirely your fault or, at the very least, "not my problem." That's a viewpoint that alleviates the guilt we feel as we rush past to deal with our busy days and our own financial situations. It takes more effort, physically and emotionally, to care about and help others when most feel they have very little to spare to begin with.

Groundcover News looks to give marginalized viewpoints a voice. As part of the North American Street Newspaper Association (NASNA) they are informing the public about homelessness and poverty while employing those suffering because of it. The vendors are hard to miss; look for neon green shirts on busy street corners downtown. You buy a paper and your street vendor gets 75% of the profits. Help give these unique, and often ignored voices, an audience and a chance to get back on their feet.
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