There is an exhibit of art inspired by the post apocalypse at the
Gallery Project starting tomorrow, December 14. The opening reception is this Friday from 6 - 9. I've never really been to a reception before, so I don't know what goes down at them. Here's a description of the exhibit from the Gallery Project's page:
Gallery Project presents Post Apocalypse, a multimedia exhibit in which over 32 local, regional, and national artists explore the aftermath of some cataclysmic event at the various levels from interpersonal to global.
Sounds heavy. I hope it focuses solely on zombie and robot apocalypse themed pieces.
My piece involves Zombies. Toy Zombies. Check it out. And, from what I can tell, the curator is afraid of Zombies, so who knows. I haven't seen the show (only my piece) but I can't wait for the opening reception tonight.
Sounds awesome Tom.