Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Post Apocalypse at Gallery Project

There is an exhibit of art inspired by the post apocalypse at the Gallery Project starting tomorrow, December 14. The opening reception is this Friday from 6 - 9. I've never really been to a reception before, so I don't know what goes down at them. Here's a description of the exhibit from the Gallery Project's page:
Gallery Project presents Post Apocalypse, a multimedia exhibit in which over 32 local, regional, and national artists explore the aftermath of some cataclysmic event at the various levels from interpersonal to global.

Sounds heavy. I hope it focuses solely on zombie and robot apocalypse themed pieces.


  1. My piece involves Zombies. Toy Zombies. Check it out. And, from what I can tell, the curator is afraid of Zombies, so who knows. I haven't seen the show (only my piece) but I can't wait for the opening reception tonight.
