Insulting ethnic cartoons are OK when you draw them of yourselves, right? At least that's what I'm hoping, cause look at this guy.
At German Park, you buy everything with tickets. Tickets cost $1 each. Just think of a ticket like a funny shaped dollar if you get confused.
The illustrated menu guide. If you have a hankering for sausage, go for the knockwurst.
For better or worse, German Park is a secret smoker's paradise. I guess it's good to see them in the wild before they go extinct.
The line to change dollars into tickets can be long. Also, buying tickets from Germans always makes me think of that scene in Indiana Jones.
There's lots of German folk dancing.
This table was working on building a pyramid of empty beer buckets. Oh, by the way, they serve beer in buckets at German Park.
There is also opportunity for general participation drunk polkaing. Polkaing is lots of fun.
The finished beer bucket pyramid.
I've only been to German Park a few times but my favorite moment was when another member of the Tribe and I were standing in the food line together. Suddenly he looks around and goes, "Huh. We're inside a barbed wire fence and a lot of people are speaking German." I probably should not have cracked up at that, but I did. (In my defense, I think I had had a bucket of beer already that day).