Are you a chill bro with sick high school lax stats? Maybe this apartment in Royal Oak is for you:
$800 / 1000ft² - chill bro wanted for roommate in downtown RO apartment (downtown royal oak)Chill, full-time professional 28 y.o. bro. No allergies, no pets. Looking for a roommate with whom I can grip a cool pad in downtown Royal Oak. Work a lot during the week, but golf, run, and swim on the reg. If you're fat (more than 10 lbs overweight), no thanks. Got kids? Go away. UofM fan? STFU & GTFO. Down to snipe tight broads from the bars on weekends I'm not broing out in some fresh short sleeve button-downs up north. If you go to Woodies, Tequila Blue, or that silly piano bar next to Blackfinn, don't respond. Not into edm or the forest? Not tight. Frat/lax bros with sick flow preferred.
The following are required with submission: (1) high school lax stats; (2) college frat bro references; and (3) at least two photos of you flexing on some smokeshows (taken within the last 60 days).
Please note: if you got a girl, she needs to have tight friends that are down to clown.
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