Saturday, June 28, 2014

Young Michigan Filmmaker Alert: Richard Cameron White

THE ROUGHNECKS Teaser from Richard Cameron White on Vimeo.

It's been a rough back-and-forth for the film industry in Michigan, meaning it has been a tug-of-war on my heart - will they ever redecorate Main Street to look like it's snowing in July? Will I ever hear rumors again about whether or not Jason Segel made out with local lay-deez? Will I ever run into Mindy Kaling as she goes into Old Town again?!

In the midst of all this back and forth are our own homegrown filmmakers, still pluggin' away. One is Richard Cameron White, who was raised up in Traverse City. His film is playing up there tonight at the historic State Theater, and is a documentary about a young football team in Texas. If you're in his neck of the woods, you can still get tickets here, and if you're not, you should at least check out his teaser above. A lot of media coverage has focused on how young Cam is, which is of course remarkable, but if you check out the quality of the teaser (and of the other shtuff he's got on his Vimeo page), his age is just a detail. Dude's got chops.

Dearest Michigan Theater deity - could you please bring this movie downstate? Okay, okay, so I'm a TC native and a little partial to the ole cherry capitol, but man would I be excited to see this thing at the Michigan or State. Yay for Michigan filmmakers!

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