Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#A2Council Viewing Party: Monday, Feb. 6

During the Feb. 6 City Council meeting, we’ll be hosting a viewing party at Workantile, the Main St. coworking space. Join us!

City council meetings start at 7pm, so we'll gather at Workantile around 6:45. We'll have a video feed of the meeting running on a big TV, and many of the #A2Council Twitter folk plus our friends will be there for real-time commentary and socializing.

Whether you're heavily invested in local politics or just curious, this should be a fun and interesting event. All are welcome.

Please bring your own drinks & snacks, if you're so inclined.

Workantile's address is 118 S. Main St.
Facebook event: City Council Viewing Party.


  1. I am a fan of this idea. Especially the snacks and drinks part.

  2. It is really quite fun. You can be as extroverted or as introverted as you like. There will also be Council Bingo, which is a huge hit.

  3. Are these still happening? I'll bet I can learn a lot from the folks in the room.

    1. I haven't planned another one in the past several months. When one happens, I'll be sure to post on Damn Arbor.
