Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ann Arbor's Champion Trees

One of the tallest trees in Ann Arbor is this 99 foot tall tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) at 809 Oxford.

Readers of Damn Arbor will know that I am pretty into trees. So you can imagine that I've spend more than a few minutes exploring Ann Arbor's Champion Tree Map. Champion trees are awarded points for their size in three dimensions: height, circumference at 4.5 feet, and crown spread. The specific formula is: Circumference (in.)+Height (ft.)+1/4 Crown Spread (ft.)= Total Points. There are some pretty cool trees on the list. For example, the chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii) in Wurster Park is Ann Arbor's girthiest tree with a circumference of 216 inches. Not only is this tree the State Champion chinkapin oak, it is also the tree featured in the Wikipedia article about the species. What a famous tree. You should totally check out this map to see if any of your favorite trees are on the list.

1 comment:

  1. Thumbing through the site first time in a while, am LOLing at this whole thing.
