Monday, January 6, 2025

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: January 6, 2025


Gentle readers, tonight is the first #a2Council meeting of the new year. Here's the agenda

The evening kicks off with a modest, 10-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-1, a resolution to approve $16,000 for mussel relocation relating to the Gallup Bridge construction project. CA-2 is a resolution approving a contract with the shelter association of Washtenaw County for 2024-2025 winter emergency shelter and warming center. 

There are four public hearings on the docket this evening. PH-1/B-1 is for the second reading of an ordinance to amend the Universal Development Coder rules for fences, reimbursements, & public and private utilities. PH-2/B-2 is for the second reading of an ordinance updating the snow emergency parking rules. PH-3/B-3 is for the second reading of the ordinance preventing landlords from charging exorbitant pre-tenancy fees to potential renters. Really glad to see council addressing this. PH-4/DS-1 is a public hearing on setting the cost for selling new city flags. The proposal is $10.00 for a "parade flag" and $65.00 for a "large city flag." 

There are just two resolutions on the agenda this evening. DC-1 is a resolution to approve a contract for legal services with Dykema to take point on the lawsuit stemming from city employees refusing to get vaccinated against COVID. The other is the aforementioned DS-1 pertaining to flag sales. 

If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky. 

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