Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: January 21, 2025


Gentle readers, tonight is a special Tuesday edition of #a2Council. Here's the agenda. The meeting is pretty short and a lot of the drama will likely be in the public comments at the start of the meeting. People will be calling in to share their thoughts DC-2, the resolution to authorize the city administrator to engage the AADL in discussion regarding the potential development on the Library Lot. If you want to know what we think about the Library Lot, please read this guest opinion: Desolate and Uninviting—The Failure of 2018’s Proposal A and the Future of the Library Lot.

The meeting kicks off with a scant, 5-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-1, street closures for the Shamrocks and Shenanigans run, March 9th. 

There are no public hearings on the agenda tonight, but there is a ordinance first reading. C-1 is an ordinance to amend the rules around best value procurement. 

On to the resolutions. DC-1 is a resolution authorizing a settlement City of Ann Arbor v 201 N Fourth. My reading of this is that the owner of 201 N Fourth accidentally built onto a city owned alley. My understanding is that this settlement has the 201 N Fourth buying the encroached upon property for an undisclosed price. 

DC-2 is tonight's spicy chili and what many of the public comments will be about. This resolution may be the beginning of the end of the Library Lot Debacle. The Ann Arbor District Library has expressed interest in working with the city to build something on the Library Lot. This resolution directs the administrator to begin working with the AADL on this. It is very exciting to see something happening here. 

Wrapping up the evening we have, DS-1 is a resolution to issue up to $12m in bonds for capital improvements to Fire Station No. 4. 

If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky. 

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