Friday, January 21, 2011

The Credit Fairy

I was reading for class in the Union when an older man in a Viking hat handed me a tiny piece of paper telling me to visit a site and vote for"The Credit Fairy." Here is the 90-minute video about the evils of credit cards that I found there:

Apparently, there's some kind of contest to "Shred Your Credit Card." The random sampling of the entries I partially watched were all weird.

But not as weird as this one's Viking theme.


  1. Huh, that guy tried to give me a piece of paper yesterday and I realllly didn't want to take my hand out of my pocket cause it was COLD but I spent all night wondering wtf he was handing out. Problem solved!

  2. The trick is to go to and vote for my video. Thanks!

  3. That Money Fairy / Viking is the hardest working fairy in town! I voted for him but now his song is stuck in my head.

  4. The video which is shared over here is very interesting. As I watching this video with great interest and I like the whole concept. That was really very interesting.

  5. Bad Credit Loan,

    Your syntax makes me think you are a foreign spammer. Also your website has an article that begins "Recession has added a considerable number to the individuals with bad credit score." That doesn't make any sense. Naughty naughty.

  6. Thanks for voting for my video! I didn't get the top prize, but I did walk away with $375! That's more than I make most weeks! Thanks!

  7. The results are posted here:
