Check out this vid:
Thanks Michigan Daily |
We were deeply disappointed to learn that members of a university fraternity had planned an offensive themed party for November. The language of the invitation and theme of the party denigrated all women and African American/black identified people through racial stereotypes and cultural appropriation.She goes on to say:
This behavior is offensive, disrespectful and unacceptable at the University of Michigan. It is unhealthy and harms everyone in the community. It is in direct contradiction to the values, policies and expectations of the University and will not be tolerated.
Disturbingly, negative stereotypes and misogynistic behavior are woven into popular culture today. We believe this reinforces the ongoing need to continually pay attention to diversity and engage in thoughtful, challenging conversations about social identities.It's nice to know the University's response was so prompt and thoughtful.
A friend posted this great Joshua Katz map showing what people in the US call Devil's Night. Two thoughts:
1) Seems like a lot of folks in Southeast Michigan "have no word for this night." I wonder if this reflects people identifying where they live as "not Detroit." eg We're so not Detroit, we don't even have a word for Devil's Night here.
2) Common New Jersey, "Mischief Night?" Get serious.H/T: Nick Richie
Aboveground Studio is having one final blowout before they close. Is there any better way to go than a Halloween dance party? I have no idea when it starts, or what cover is, but Charles Trees and Jeremy Wheeler, DJ will be there.
You may or may not know, but we here at Damn Arbor are trying to help get out the vote for Tuesday's election. I'm wondering if you might be interested in doing a short interview with us over email. If you are, drop us a line:
Ann Arbor's new shared bikes need a name. Do you have any ideas? The winnings submission get's a free year membership.
Even now political operative are fanning out across the 4th Ward and planting signs--signs of political change, yo.
— Twenty Pound Carp (@TwentyPoundCarp) October 28, 2013
Will Ann Arbor end up like that town in Alaska with a cat as a mayor? Will the Twenty Pound Carp vote take away from the Admiral Ackbar vote?
H/T: Ed Vielmetti
Thanks! |
"Claustrophobic and intense"In terms of cinematic adaptions of H.P. Lovecraft's cannon, The Hound ranks somewhere between Stuart Gordon's Dagon (2001) and Dan Gildark's Cthulhu (2007). Without further ado, we proudly present, The Hound:
~ Charles P. Mitchell / The Complete H.P. Lovecraft Filmography"The combination of music, deeply shadowed visuals, and slow, tense pace make this little production far more effective than any single big-budget adaptation of Lovecraft's work."
~ Stephen Mark Rainey / Author"A beautiful psychological mood piece that one quickly ends up comparing with the work of Val Lewton"
~ Richard Sheib / Horror Online
H.P. Lovecraft's The Hound (1997) from Anthony Penta on Vimeo.
If you're looking to get your pre-Halloween party on tomorrow night, consider checking out the Devil's Night party at the Warehouse (840 Plaza Dr., Ann Arbor, MI). From the faceblock event page:
☿ join us for a night of mayhem and madness with:DJ JEREMY WHEELER
9pm doors||10pm bands
☛ suggested donation
"An altercation followed and Finneren took out his pistol and fired two shots", police said. An investigation may reveal that Finneren was merely standing his ground.The story of the night's events goes something like this:780.972 Use of deadly force by individual not engaged in commission of crime; conditions. Sec. 2. (1) An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses deadly force may use deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if either of the following applies:
(a) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent death of or imminent great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another individual. (b) The individual honestly and reasonably believes that the use of deadly force is necessary to prevent the imminent sexual assault of himself or herself or of another individual.
(2) An individual who has not or is not engaged in the commission of a crime at the time he or she uses force other than deadly force may use force other than deadly force against another individual anywhere he or she has the legal right to be with no duty to retreat if he or she honestly and reasonably believes that the use of that force is necessary to defend himself or herself or another individual from the imminent unlawful use of force by another individual.
History: 2006, Act 309, Eff. Oct. 1, 2006.
Police said Monday Finneren was confronted by the Illinois man and other men after Finneren was making aggressive advances toward a woman in their group. An altercation followed and Finneren took out his pistol and fired two shots, police said.The "Stand Your Ground" argument seems to turn on whether Finneren was in commission of a crime at the time of the shooting. In Michigan it is illegal to cary your firearm into an establishment that primarily serves alcohol.
Thanks to two off duty paramedics, who were celebrating a birthday at Rush St. and the quick response of local first responders, the victim is in critical but stable condition. It is also fortunate that nobody at Rush St. was more seriously injured in the events on the morning of October 27th. Hopefully, this will fly under the radar of the national media and we can get on living our lives and avoiding Rush St.
Without further ado, here's the survey. Please share it with your friends:
Ward 1:If you want to see maps of where folks contributions have come from, make sure you check out the Chronicle's article.
Sabra Briere - Democrat, Incumbent: $11,800
Jeff Hayner - Independent: $2,680Ward 2:
Jane Lumm - Independent, Incumbent: $20,875
Kirk Westphal - Democrat: $10,103
Conrad Brown - Mixed Use Party: Less than $1,000Ward 3:
Stephen Kunselman - Democrat, Incumbent: $6,015
Sam DeVarti -Mixed Use Party: $945Ward 4:
Jack Eaton - Democrat: $9,200 William Lockwood - Mystery Write-In Candidate: ?Ward 5:
Mike Anglin - Democrat, Incumbent: $4,299
Chip Smith - Democrat, Write-in Challenger: less than $1,000 Thomas Partridge - Write-in Challenger: ?
Assorted musings:
All in all, donations total more than $50,000. Based on donations, it seems as though the Ward 2 race is the most highly contested with more than $30,000. What do you spend that on for a race in Ann Arbor? It's not like we have a local TV market. It would be interesting to see local campaign commercials though.Gentle readers, do you plan to vote in the election next Tuesday? What are the important issues for you?Do donations mirror public support? Will they predict the outcome of the election?
In the Ward 2 race, will Conrad Brown pull votes from CM Lumm, or from Kirk Westphal? Will he be able to pull a significant amount of votes?
Local musician, Keri Lynn Roche, was outside of Rush St. last night and managed to capture an Instagram of the alleged shooter being taken in by the AAPD. You can read more from the dot News. I've never been to Rush St. but I imagine that this isn't normal for the place?
Checkout this picture of Wolverine, Tom Harmon from 1936. It was posted to r/colorization and r/uofm. Pretty cool. Go Blue!
When elected, I will also offer residents a chance to make a DDA member of their choice dress up and dance like an organ grinder's monkey.
— Twenty Pound Carp (@TwentyPoundCarp) October 24, 2013
When elected, I will also offer residents a chance to make a DDA member of their choice dress up and dance like an organ grinder's monkey.
— Twenty Pound Carp (@TwentyPoundCarp) October 24, 2013
Election 2013 is starting to heat up.
Tonight and tomorrow local historian, James Mann will be giving lantern lit tours of Ypsilanti's Highland Cemetery. The tours start at 7pm and cost $5. On the tour you will learn about the history of the cemetery and it's residents. Sounds spooky.
Photo via @briancors
Gentle readers, as you know, I support Ann Arbor's current pedestrian safety ordinance. It requires that drivers yield to pedestrians waiting to cross at marked crosswalks. This is not to say improvements in the execution are not needed. Personally, I would like to see better ways to communicate the law to commuters, out of towners and new residents. Specifically, I think we need large, clear and concise signage at the main arteries into Ann Arbor, and before and at busy crosswalks.
Also, I think we need something more in the style of HAWK Walks rather than RRFBs for crosswalks that cross 4 lane roads. The RRFBs seem good for crosswalks on busy 2 lane roads.
Despite the shortfalling in the execution of the ordinance, I think it is a good step in increasing walkability. Currently, forces are mustering to mount an effort to repeal the ordinance. If you feel as I do, I encourage you to sign this petition over on I don't always sign online petitions, but when I do, they are in support of walkability issues.
Another thing you can do is contact your city council person and let them know your thoughts on the pedestrian safety ordinance. Here's their contact information:
Chip (can't find his last name) Smithhas just entered the Ann Arbor City Council race as a write-in candidate for the (fightin') Fifth Ward. It seems like Chip is mostly campaigning against incumbent, Mike Anglin. Via the campaign's facebook page:
One example why I'm waging this quixotic campaign is because Councilman Anglin continues to do things like vote against allocating $280,000 to replace the failing light poles on Main Street to go with $300k from the DDA. The vote is so alarming because Anglin was part of the group that directed the DDA to come up with $300,000 for the project during budget talks last spring. He, along with the other council folks who voted against this measure knew that because they directed the DDA to dedicate $300k to affordable housing that there would be a request for general fund dollars to pay for the balance of this project.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out Chip's last name. A risky move for sure for a write-in candidate. Apparently I can't read good. This should surprise none of you. Smith, Chip's last name is Smith. This election is quickly shaping up to be much more interesting than I would have anticipated just a few months ago. Anyone know the scuttlebutt on Chip?
H/T: @juliewbee
@juliewbee, @mariahc, this one goes out to you and all of our other dedicated readers who are librarians. Spotted this plate yesterday in the Church St. Structure.
Gentle readers, there are puppies on the Diag right now. If you're feeling down, you can go and pet them. But hurry, these highly trained therapy dogs are only on the Diag until 1 pm.
Ed Mitchell, a designer at Philadelphia-based Bresslergroup has come up with a complete set of new state flags that use a unified color pallet and symbology.
Not too long ago I heard a radio piece about a city flag. Curiosity led me down the path to our state flags. I was immediately bothered by how discordant they are as a group, and I wasn’t surprised to learn they break just about every rule of flag design. (More on the official rules of flag design later.) When you look at them all together, there’s no indication they come from the same nation.Gone are the chaotic array of old state symbols and divisive symbols of the past. In their place we find stars, lots and lots of stars and a brightened up shades of red and blue. You can see Michigan's new (painfully bland) flag below.
The white is the peninsula and the rising sun. The shield represents defense, which comes up three times in the current flag. The three stars symbolize Michigan’s three mottos: “Out of Many, One”; “I Will Defend”; and “If You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula, Look Around You.”
This flag just doesn't do it for me. Without the description, it's impossible to know that it represents Michigan. It also lacks my favorite feature of the flag of Michigan: the sasquatch walking along the lake shore with a walking stick. You can check out an array of flags below and try to guess which represents each state.
Via: Boing Boing via Wired
I guess if you escape from the cops once in an evening, maybe it's best to call it a night, rather than continuing your
We're going to be on C-Span! Tomorrow @ 2:30pm, C-Span will be at the store! If you're not doing anything, come to the store around 2:15!
— Literati Bookstore (@LiteratiBkstore) October 21, 2013
C-Span is coming to Ann Arbor's newest bookstore tomorrow. Pretty cool.
I stopped by Literati yesterday and Hillary, the owner, let me in on a great secret: the place is dead during home football games. Apparently the same is true for ABC as well. On top of that, there is even on street parking available. Or so they say. So if you're not watching the game today, why not check out Literati and/or stop for a pint at ABC? Also, this football Saturday, there is a special event at Literati: Newbery Medal winning author of Shiloh, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, will be there at 4:00.
Ann Arbor's very own Jeremy Wheeler has a cartoon in Esquire. It's great to see a local kid making it big on the national scene.
Someone in Windsor has reshaped one of the city's riverside topiaries. How many puns can you find in the above news clip?
Via Gawker
Allendale based artist, Zac Freeland, has made a series of minimalist logos for several Michigan cities. You can get them on t-shirts over on his RedBubble page. I really like the logo for Sault St. Marie
Food carts are coming to South U. Mark's Carts veterans Alex Perlman and Noah Hoffman have signed a short term lease for the vacant lot that was left after Pinball Pete's Annex burnt down in 2009. According to the Com The .News, the details are still being hammered out. But as of yesterday, it looked like at least the Cheese Dream cart was parked there. Given the density of students in the area looking for late night eats, Eat the Hub seems like a brilliant idea.
Saw this sweet bike by Randall Lab yesterday. I really like the bag and the saddle. But what really caught my eye was the Sheldon Brown sticker.
Gentle readers, it seems some folks in town are starting to mount another attack on Ann Arbor's crosswalk ordinance. They say it is too confusing to expect drivers to follow different traffic codes in different municipalities, that the ordinance gives pedestrians the false sense of security to cross without looking, and that it creates a situation where drivers yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks are likely to be rear-ended.
It is unfortunate that decades of urban planning have left us with places where walkability was an afterthought. Who would have thought that the thousands of students living on North Campus would ever want to leave their bucolic 800 acre enclave to cross Plymouth Road to buy groceries, or go out to eat? Nevertheless, we have created an environment where driving is a right and pedestrians are an afterthought. I think the Ann Arbor's ordinance helps rectify the situation. That said, I don't think the city has done a great job communicating the specifics of the ordinance to all drivers in the city, especially those who may be commuting or visiting from other municipalities. To remedy this, I would suggest getting some custom traffic signs like the one above (only 10.57 each for orders of at least 100 at!). These signs could be placed both at major entrances to the city and a few hundred feet in front of problematic crosswalks.
Gentle readers, what are your thoughts on the crosswalk ordinance? I'd welcome contrasting points of view on the subject.
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Apples on Eisenhower |
FlowingData has made a pretty cool map that shows nearest major pizza chain across the US. Michigan is pretty clearly the territory of Little Caesar's save for some Pizza Hut in the west and a few blips of Domino's.
A lot of people use shitty stock images when talking Affirmative Action |
I went to my first Saturday Morning Physics today. The presentation was on network theory and social networks. It was pretty good. Next week's lecture is on fracking and promises to be illuminating.
It's autumn, and that means that it is time to start gathering acorns to make acorn flower. Hank Shaw has a great guide to making acorn flower over on his site,
Every year I learn more about working with acorns, but each year I come to more and more conclusions. The latest is that there is really only one good way to make quality acorn flour: Cold leaching.Wha? Leaching, as is pulling something out. In this case, that something is tannin, which in almost all acorns is there in spades. Different acorns have different levels of tannins, but in general oaks of the red oak family have more, the white oak family less. One, the Emory oak of the Sonoran Desert, has almost none at all.
Before I go much further, let me answer the question in many of your minds: Why the hell would I bother making flour from acorns? First, flavor. It’s a lot like chestnut flour: Nutty, a little sweet and just generally interesting. Second, nutrition. Acorns vary in nutrition. Some are very starchy, some oily, a few high in protein. Third, it’s just kinda fun to make something useful and tasty out of something many of us mistakenly believe is poisonous.
For my two cents, I'll suggest using Quercus macrocarpa (bur oak) acorns. They are large and in the white oak sect, so they have fewer tannins. Once you have your flower all ground and dried, why not try making some Acorn Maple Shortbread Cookies?
Who wants to move to the Cube?
I really, really, really messed up.Check out this Free Press video for a quick-and-dirty on Mr. Kilpatrick's political scandals.
Beloved local musician, puppeteer and former Wikipedia page-haver, Patrick Elikns has some steep medical bills he's unable to pay. MarkMaynard and some of Patrick's other friends have banded together to throw Legfest, a fundraising concert for Mr. Elkins. It is tomorrow night at Woodruff's. It should be awesome.
Poster by VGKids
Saw this prominently displayed Stars and Bars on Forest and Hill St. My question is: why? Seems like if you were going for a symbol of southern pride, you could just whip up a big ol' pitcher of sweet tea.
Gentle reader, perhaps you've noticed I've been remiss on updating Damn Arbor. I apologize. I spent the weekend fishing the salmon run up on the Manistee River. Don't worry, a longer post on the subject is forthcoming. It's not quite Trout Fishing in Yemen, but it'll be pretty great.
If you're looking for a nice place to get away this weekend, or maybe interested in taking in the seasons colors, you should think about checking out Haven Hill in the Highland Recreation Area. It's about a 45 minute drive (north on 23, east on M 59), but it is one of the nicest hikes I know of in the area.
Denis O’Hare & Lisa Peterson modern adaptation of Homer's classic opens tonight and runs through October 27. From PTN:
In this present-day retelling of Homer’s classic, a lone figure appears on an unadorned stage and shares the tragic narrative he is fated to tell for eternity. This epic narrative brings humor, pathos, and excitement to the ancient tale of the Trojan War, colliding it with the contemporary world and creating a wholly captivating theatrical experience. Starring John Manfredi.Sounds pretty good. We have a review forthcoming. Stay tuned.
Shows are Thursday 7:30pm, Friday-Saturday 8pm, Saturday 3pm, Sunday 2pm. Tickets are $22 to $41 and active military personnel and veterans get a $20 discount.
Tonight, come celebrate Violin Monster's 493rd birthday at Corner Brewery. There will be live music and a chance to try Violin Monster Autumn Ale. If you haven't had a chance to sample it, I highly recommend it. It's a rich dark wheat ale flavored with autumn spices. At 9.5% abv, it packs quite a wallop. It is hands down the best fall seasonal I've had.
Creatures of all kinds are welcome at the party, but humans are encouraged to wear costumes. Doors are at 6 and music starts at 7. A %5 donation to support the musicians is encouraged.
I feel less safe in Ann Arbor than I do in Detroit.
It's not that I feel more physically threatened. There are some students who are even so nice as to walk on the opposite side of the street when they see me walking their way. I feel a more pernicious, more dangerous threat than that. I constantly feel that my identity as well as my city are in need of protection.I have often wondered about the disconnect that seems to exist between the University/Ann Arbor (a top-ranked public university in a thriving city) and Detroit (though struggling, still the largest city in the state and its cultural center, about 40 minutes to the east). Mr. Green explores the vast space between them through the lens of race; the space exists in almost anything you can measure, and I think both cities and the university would benefit from a more cooperative relationship. (I remember once seeing a poster advertising a semester "abroad" in Detroit. That is not what "abroad" means. Those cars weren't actually imported.) Mr. Green hits it right on the head:
It’s embarrassing that the University doesn't have a bigger presence in the city of Detroit.
The university’s ties to grave-robbers were known in the 19th century, and social censure weighed upon those in the anatomy department. In 1880, the “Demonstrator of Anatomy” in charge of procuring bodies was William Herdman. He complained at a June 28, 1880 UM regents meeting. Herdman spoke regarding the “recent and remote instances of grave-robbing which have come to your attention and to the notice of the public … which have justly excited indignation on the part of all law-abiding citizens and have been the cause of great annoyances to all friends of the University and especially to you, [the regents] … ”
Tuesday, Oct. 17-7:40 p.m. — Ward 3: Stephen Kunselman (Democrat, Incumbent) and Sam DeVarti (Mixed Use Party)
8-8:40 p.m. — Ward 5: Mike Anglin (Democrat, Incumbent) and Tom Partridge (write-in)Wednesday, Oct. 2
7-7:45 p.m. — Ward 1: Sabra Briere (Democrat, Incumbent) and Jeff Hayner (Independent)
8-8:45 p.m. — Ward 2: Jane Lumm (Independent, Incumbent), Kirk Westphal (Democrat), and Conrad Brown (Mixed Use Party)