A rendering of the proposed South Town project. There are three public hearings on the project tonight. |
Gentle reader, it's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor. Here's the agenda.
The evening starts off with a modest, 11-item consent agenda. Just one street closing. C-1 is for Little Amal - The Walk on Saturday, September 23.
On to the public hearings. PH-1/B-1 is to allow specific car related uses in TC-1. PH-2/B-2 is for the second reading of an ordinance to require home energy rating disclosure. PH-3/B-3 is on the second reading of an ordinance to allow Cannabis micro-businesses.
Then we come to the South Town hearings. This project is great. It involves rezoning the a block of old houses on South State to the campus business district zone. This will allow them to replace the 15 dwellings with a mixed use mid-rise building with 215 homes. It'll also be super energy efficient. This is a great development for this super walkable area. Here's the area where the project is happening:
South Town area context |
PH-4/B-4 is the rezoning to C1A/R.
PH-5/DB-1 is the site plan approval.
PH-6/DB-2 is on vacating an alley, which is necessary for the project.
Finally we get to the 7th public hearing of the evening.
PH-7/DB-3 which is on vacating a portion of East Mosley Street.
On to the resolutions:
DS-1 is a resolution authorizing publication of the aforementioned changes to TC-1.
DC-1 is a resolution to appoint folks Neal Elyakin, Janet Haynes, and Rodrick Green to the Independent Community Police Oversight Commission.
DC-2 is a resolution to adopt an improved Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. This is great!
DC-3 is a resolution to improve data transparency and performance management.
DC-4 is on a resolution to initiate a statue to honor Kathy Kozachenko.
DC-5 is a resolution directing the administrator to advocate for the state legislature to end the use of 14(c) Certificates and Subminimum Wage in the State of Michigan.
DC-6 is a resolution to approve the purchase of a property on Miller past Maple for a new election center.
And that's all there is. What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on a2mi.social.