Gentle reader, it's #a2Council night. Here's the agenda.
The evening kicks off with a modes, 11-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-1, street closures for Midnight Madness. I'm particularly interested in CA-4, Miller Ave improvements. This will give the city a two-way cycle track lane extending from downtown to Maple Ave. Nice.
There are no public hearings or ordinance second reading on the docket this evening. There are however two ordinance first readings. C-1 is the first reading of an ordinance that will allow private schools and daycare centers in more zones. Specifically private schools will be allowed in RE (Research) and ORL (Office/Research/Limited Light Industrial) zoning districts. Daycares will be allowed in R1 (Single-Family Dwelling), R2A (Two-Family Dwelling), R2B (Two-Family Dwelling and Student Housing), RE (Research), and ORL (Office/Research/Limited Light Industrial) zoning districts. C-2 is an first reading aimed at keeping trash and recycling cans out of bike lanes. You love to see it.
Further down the agenda, there are two resolutions. DC-1 is the establishment of a new order of succession for the new council. DC-2 is a resolution supporting the state repealing the ban on municipalities banning single use plastics.
We are going to try something new tonight. Please join us on Bluesky where we will be live skeeting tonight's #a2Council meeting like the old days.