After an intense nomination period, voting for the 2013 Damnies™ is now live. Tell all your friends.
After an intense nomination period, voting for the 2013 Damnies™ is now live. Tell all your friends.
The recent snow has been warm and heavy. Bad for shoveling, but good for snow sculptures. Damn Arbor reader, Tom Hewitt, just sent in the following pictures of a pretty buff snowman. Looks like it's nippin' out a little bit, probably on account of the cold.
Best snowman ever
Check out this snowman next to the Art and Architecture Building. I guess you'd expect the best snowman in town to be on North Campus... it's a lot closer to the North Pole there. Via Stamps School Tumblr.
Hat tip @Juliewbee
A boy who played and talked and read with me
Fell from a maple tree.
I loved her, but I told her I did not,
And wept, and then forgot.
I walked the streets where I was born and grew,Mr. Leithauser grew up in Detroit, a fact that informed his musings on this poem:
And all the streets were new.
The third stanza echoes in my head whenever I find myself wandering around the old Detroit neighborhoods of my boyhood. Even those blocks that have escaped either renovation or the wrecker’s ball, the ones where the houses look the same, have become different blocks and houses. The change is within, like some reworking of cornea and retina; over time, you can’t help seeing with new eyes.His post reminded me of Mr. Leithauser's novel The Art Student's War, set in WWII-era Detroit, that I have been intending to read for some years now. I nearly always enjoy Mr. Leithauser's magazine and blog writing, and I'm wondering if it translates well into fiction. Has anyone given the novel a crack?
Almost time for the DAVID BYRNE & ST. VINCENT presale! Use the password VINCENT today from 10am-10pm: bit.ly/W8nioU.
— Michigan Theater (@michigantheater) February 28, 2013
The pre-sale of David Byrne & St. Vincent tickets starts at 10 am today. They are being sold through Ticketmaster so...
Anyway, I just thought I'd pass on the pre-sale information to you, incase that's your thing. Also, I just wanted to take this opportunity an reach out to David Byrne. I know you really like biking. I do too. If you want someone to show you around Ann Arbor on a bike, I'd be more than happy to oblige. Just drop me a line.
What better way to beat the 'winter blahs' then with a craft beer tasting?!Sounds tasty. Strap on those cross country skis and head out to Sidetrack tonight. Is it possible to ski from Ann Arbor to Ypsi?On Wednesday, February 27 from 7pm-10pm we will be hosting a beer tasting event that is sure to make you forget all about the doldrums of winter... among other things! The event will be held in our new space (next to Frenchie's) and will feature a ton of micro-brews for your tasting pleasure, as well a buffet of appetizers and finger foods. There will be style and tasting notes provided, as well as plenty of beer geeks and brewery representatives on hand to discuss the brews. To top it all off, we will be raflling off great prizes including beer schwag and Sidetrack gift cards.
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on the Merch page of our website after February 8th.
Please note, because space is limited, this event will sell out so DON'T wait until the last minute to get your ticket!
For those inquiring minds, here are a few of the beers we will be featuring-
St Bernardus
Dark Horse- Thirsty Trout-porter
Vivant- Triomphe- Belgium IPA
North peak- Nomad-winter cider
Frankenmuth- Munich Dunkel
Gentle reader, I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you made it through last night's winter storm alright. We here at the Damn Arbor HQ are OK, but our neighbor's cars are not so lucky. Is there a tumblr for trees/branches falling on cars? If not, someone might want to get on it.
From the looks of the DTE outage map, the greater Ypsi-Arbor region got the brunt of the storm. Anyway, I hope you all stay warm and dry. I have had to resort to eatin chocolate chip cookies for breakfast in an attempt to keep my energy up.
We're extending the nomination period for the 2013 Damnies™ for just one more day. As per your suggestion, gentle reader, we've added some new categories including best bartender. So make sure you add your two cents.
thank you annarbor.com for this lovely photo |
If you're on campus and in need of produce today, make sure you stop by the Student Food Co-op in Mason Hall (AKA the basement of Angell Hall). Via their Facebook:
We'll have kiwis, apples, bananas, oranges, avocados, carrots, cucumbers, kale, red and green peppers, spinach and sweet potatoes.If you forget to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag), we are starting up a bag sharing program so keep your eyes open for that!
Despite tomorrow's coming winter storm, there are sure signs that spring is just around the corner. Or at least the some trees seem to think winter will be ending shortly. If you'll look up into the branches of a sliver maple (Acer saccharinum) you can see the tiny red buds that line the tops of their branches are starting to swell and bust. Silver maple flowers are not as showy as may other spring flowers, but they do come much earlier in the season.
Another sign that spring is on the way is that the sugar maple (Acer saccharum) sap is starting to run. If you're fortunate enough to have a sugar maple in your yard, and it has a broken branch, look for a maple sap-cicle. You'll find these translucent icicles growing from wounded maple branches when daytime temperatures are above freezing, but nighttime temps are still cold.
As nice as it was to have a real winter this year, especially after last year. All things considered though, I think I'm ready for spring.
The New Theater Project will be preforming Edward the Second from March 1-31st at Mix Studio Theater in Ypsilanti. There will be three pay-what-you can performances on March 1-3. The official opening is March 8th. Here's a description of TNTP's interpretation of the play:
The adaptation imagines what a naive, young lust would look like on an epic scale. What if an eroticized love affair could destroy an entire nation? What if a break up could strand you, banished in a foreign world?Sounds like a fun sexy time. Tickets are $10 for students/industry and $15 for the general population. You can buy them online here for a modest service fee.A party boy, a loser, a pothead, a wastoid, now a king, Edward: not ready for the call of adulthood, crashing in his dad’s basement with his disreputable boyfriend, Pierce. His brother Kent lives under the burden of his beloved father, and his wife Isabel will only put up with it for so long before her ambitions get the best of her. Edward the Second, The New Theatre Project’s first history play adaptation, exists in the tensions between power and desire, pain and pleasure, and past and present. The classic love story--with its unforgettable, explosive ending--is about the impossibility of young love and the casualties of adulthood.
Edward the Second contains violence, strong language, sexual simulations, and nudity. Audience members under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
I attended the second Ann Arbor nerd nite at The Last Word thursday night. My subpar photography skills do not do justice to the awesome bar decor nor the size of the crowd. At first I thought it was a bit cozy in there, but Liz, one of the Nerd Nite Ann Arbor organizers, said she likes it that way because it keeps everything more informal and fun. I tend to agree. All three presenters captivated large audience without getting bogged down with powerpoint presentation formality and rigidity. Bottom line, this was a great way to spend a thursday night. Also, good news for those of you who might want more nerd stuff in the southeastern Michigan area. Liz and Amber (two of the Ann Arbor Nerd Nite organizers along with Hadley) are starting up Nerd nite Detroit on March 28th at Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Company along with handling the March Nerd Nite in Ann Arbor.
Are you guys getting excited? Match by Match is releasing their new album, Vivat Veritas, this Friday at Woodruff's.
El Otro Lado/The Other Side opens today in the Hatcher Library's Audubon Room. The exhibit is part of the LSA's Winter 2013 Theme Semester, "Understanding Race." It features "posters, photographs, archives, books, pamphlets, periodicals, buttons, and other items that illustrate a long history of race-related social protest movements, and that are intended to stimulate conversation and raise awareness about struggles against racism, past and present."
We've been at this local website thing for over two years now--high time we start giving out our own awards. So, in the spirit of the MarkMaynard.com Awards from 2011 we will be conducting our own award competition where you, gentle reader, will be able to vote for the winners! Yay for voting! Here's a list of our current categories, feel free to nominate people/places for each category or to suggest additional categories. You can find a nomination form at the end of this post. Also, if any local businesses would like to become a sponsor of the Damnies, drop us an email, we'll work something out. OK, without further ado, the categories for the 2013 Damnies™ are:
El Manantial is a food cart that will be opening this spring at Mark's Carts. Their menu food super good. Currently El Manatial is seeking funds on Kickstarter.
Hat tip: Jeremy Salfen
I was walking down Liberty last night with EJ when I noticed that there was something afoot in the old Squares storefront. You guys remember Squares, right? The ill-fated restaurant that served sandwiches on square pita bread on square plates? The restaurant where it seemed like 2-4 employees were constantly handing out fliers downtown? Well it looked like there was some sort of new server training going on there. Anyone know what's going on? Personally, I think that site has been cursed since Dinersty left.
Ann Arbor's second Nerd Nite is tonight. Due to high attendance at last month's Nerd Night, they are changing venues from The Bar at 327 Braun Court to The Last Word. Doors are at 6:30 and presentations start at 7:00. Tonight's presentations include:
Kill It with Fire: Building Giant Art for Fun And Absolutely No Profit - Jane DavisWhat a fun, sexy time.Coitus and Curry: Divine Sexy Times with Lord Krishna, Becky Bloom
Cupid Wasn’t Aiming For Your Heart: The Neuroscience of Love, Dr. Tiffany Love
Kramer and Newman would go to jail |
Courtesy of Dorothy Gambrell |
A2GastroBoy has just published a good longread on cocktails and the Ann Arbor cocktail scene. At the end he gives his rundown of the favorite cocktail destinations in town. This has me wondering, gentle reader, what is your favorite cocktail destination in town? What do you think of this whole "mixology craze?"
Dinosaur Gardens Prehistoric Zoo from Chris Sollars on Vimeo.
I've never been to Dinosaur Gardens up in Ossineke, but this video makes it look pretty cool. I'll have to stop by on my next trip up north.Do you like going out for beer after work with your friends? Well now there's an app for that. Movable Bytes has just released an app, called Happy Hour, that shows you the nearest happy hour deal. Currently the app only supports happy hours in Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Detroit, Ferndale, Royal Oak, and Ypsilanti, but that's probably good enough for those you reading us. I haven't tried out the app yet, but I'll let you know what I think when I do.
UPDATE: Over on our Facebook Page, Andy Price (our most loyal Facebook user), has offered up a review of the app:
This app is a gift from god.If that's not a ringing endorsement, then I don't know what is.
The Performance Network's latest play, Good People, is opening this week with a pay-what-you-can show on Thursday. Here's a description of the play:
Set in Boston’s “Southie” district in 2009 Good People follows single-mom Margie Walsh as she struggles make ends meet after being fired from her job at the Dollar Store by her best friend’s son. In the hopes of finding a job, Margie reaches out in desperation to a high school “summer fling” who left the neighborhood to become a doctor. After inviting herself to a chic cocktail party in his lavish home, Margie twists herself into a series of hilariously awkward moments and reveals a secret about their past, putting Margie in the driver’s seat for the first time.Sound's pretty good. It was nominated for a Tony for best play in 2011. Tickets are $22 - $41, with discounts available for seniors, members, students and groups. Shows run Thursday through Sunday until March 31st.
Damn, 34,000 views in just 21 hours. If you are wondering "what the fuck is the Harlem Shake?" Wired has a good discussion of it here.
Crime Scene Scarf, and the Woman Wearing It - m4w (Ann Arbor)Alright, admittedly it's been a little while since I saw you. And, although it being just that single time, you've left an impression. Not an everyday wistful Jane Eyre kinda thing, only a "Hmm... that's an interesting piece of winter wear. Oh, yeah, remember that woman with the short hair and the peacot ( I think ), with the crime scene scarf? Not only attractive ( woman, not the scarf.. sorry, textiles are good and all, but they don't mean anything to me in 'that' way ), but a tad quirky and overall agreeable to the eyes she was. Or still is. If you've taken the A train off this mortal coil, and have headed to points unknown, then I'm sort of wasting my metaphorical breath, now aren't I?
Ok let's get this car off the curb, and back into traffic. How about we look at the bullet points, shall we?
♀ You were wearing that scarf at Meijer while shopping.
♂ I was also shopping, but sans scarf (there was a hat involved, but it wasn't anything to write Aunt Millie about ).
♀ You have short hair, sorta redie/brownie (?) .
♂ Me? Shaved head, piercing blue eyes, and a beardy thing that makes me look all Irish. No chin hairs, just chops and a connected stash ( not really a Van Dyke or a Goatee, but hey, I rock it ).
♀ ??
♂ I like to speak parenthetically.
So, check the appropriate box below, and send me a reply.
┌┐ YES
└┘ I would like to correspond with you.┌┐ NO
└┘ You should go farm goats.( I realize the second option is ambiguous at best, but in the proper order of things, if you think about it, and I mean really think about it, there is a logic to this all it's own. )
This obviously is not you.
When it comes to love, there are a million theories to explain it. But when it comes to love stories, things are simpler. A love story can never be about full possession. The happy marriage, the requited love, the desire that never dims--these are lucky eventualities but they aren’t love stories. Love stories depend on disappointment, on unequal births and feuding families, on matrimonial boredom and at least one cold heart. Love stories, nearly without exception, give love a bad name.What do we think? What did Amazon miss? What did it get wrong?
Upon leaving my office yesterday I found the above card in the spokes of my bike. Thanks for the Valentine Common Cycle. I loved it, and so did my bike.
Match by Match has a very special Valentine's Day gift for you, gentle reader. It's a track from their upcoming EP, Vivat Veritas. Enjoy.
A few weeks ago, EJ and I had dinner with Mark Maynard, whose eponymous blog is a sort of resistant godfather to Damn Arbor. We had a very good time. Since then, we have been thinking of a way we could express our gratitude to and admiration of Mark. We also wanted to make him uncomfortable. This is what happened. Hope there's room for this on your fridge, Mark!
"Ugly Mark" cartoon by Reverend Aitor via MarkMaynard.com
"Puppet Mark" by Patrick Elkins via MarkMaynard.com
Ben and Erika cartoons by Jon Wilcox
Cautiously, I peeked out of my classroom an into the Fishbowl. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I ventured into the hallway expecting to find police only to find students advertising Birthright Trips to Isreal. I returned to class. At 1 pm as the next class was filing into my classroom, one of the new students overheard me telling my class that we had missed a big commotion. One of the next periods students shared this tidbit with me. Apparently there was a male student walking around in fatigues with a gas mask and a shirt that said "Love is in the air." Though other reports suggest the student was carrying a sign that said. "Love is in the Air. Be prepared." Regardless, the student I spoke to interpreted it to be some sort of poorly executed Valentine's Day artistic statement--something about not wanting to get infected with love. She said that the student came up to her and "said some weird stuff" then walked away. The only thing mildly out of the ordinary I saw was a DPS K-9 unit leaving as I walked out of the building.
Did you see or hear anything at Angell Hall today? If you have reports or pictures, feel free to leave them in the comments or email them to us.
UPDATE: a Reddit user, yoyoyoyo-yoda, posted the following picture of the person to r/uofm today:
Thanks Brad!
Check out these Valentine's Day cards by local illustrator, Jessica. Pretty great. According to her tumblr, she is currently accepting new work.
Via: Stamps School
You and me go together like socks and sandals. #A2VDay
— Damn Arbor (@damnarbor) February 14, 2013
"My love for you is denser than D-1 zoning." #A2VDay
— Dave Askins (@a2chronicle) February 14, 2013
"My love for you is like @aadl – organized, articulate & stacked." #A2VDay
— Mary Morgan (@MaryA2Chronicle) February 14, 2013
Alejandra O'Leary and the Champions of the West have just released a very special rock-n-roll Valentine's Day song for you, Gentle Reader.
Marlene Lacasse is a photo journalist working for the Daily. On her tumblr, she posts some of the extra photos she takes while on assignment. You should totally check out her photos of:
Pilar's Tamales (Daily article)Theatre professor OyamO (Daily article)
Artist Sadashi Inuzuka(Daily article)
![]() |
richblockspoorblocks.com |
The Student Food Coop is open from 11 - 5 pm today in Mason Hall. If you're on campus and looking for some produce, check it out.
This is quite the week of holidays. I don't want you to think Wednesday is any less important that Fat Tuesday and Fatter Thursday (or valentines day). So here is an event on Wednesday night to consider, if boxed chocolate and paper hearts strike fear into your own real, beating heart.
It's 5 AM on March 8, 2011. Depending on where you are in the world, it's Karneval, or Mardi Gras, or Fasching, or Fat Tuesday. And, depending on where you are in the world, you've just begun drinking, or you're still drinking, or you're sleeping it off so you can start drinking again soon.