File photo of Pączki. |
Gentle reader, tonight is a special Tuesday-edition of #a2Council. Here's the agenda.
The evening kicks off with a substantial, 17-item consent agenda. CA-1 is closing Monroe St for the 2023 Monroe St Fair. The police and fire departments are opposed to this because the the event would coincide with Umich's spring football game. I expect this will get pulled tonight. CA-2 is a street closure for Take Back the Night/Standing Tough Against Rape. CA-3 is a street closure for the Dexter Ann Arbor Run.
There are two public hearings on tonight's docket. PH-1/B-1 is the second reading of the amendment to the Tax Exemption for Housing Projects ordinance. PH-2/B-2 is the second reading of an ordinance to amend the city's discrimination ordinance.
On to the resolutions. DC-1 is a resolution to appoint non-resident electors to city boards and commissions. DC-2 is the contract for That Damn Bridge (the East Medical Center Drive Bridge). DC-3 is a resolution to support common sense gun safety laws at the state level. DS-1 is a resolution to approve a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for Union at A2 at 2050 Commerce Drive.
And that's all there is. What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on