Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Stadium TC1 at Planning Commission tonight


A map showing the proposed TC1 rezoning along the Maple/Stadium corridor.

TC1 is the hot new zone that allows greater density and less parking along transit corridors. TC1 is awesome because it helps make the city more equitable, more sustainable, and safer. Rezoning more of Ann Arbor TC1 is critical to making sure the city meets its ambitious housing, climate, and vision zero goals. 

Tonight the Ann Arbor Planning Commission will have a public hearing on the proposed TC1 rezoning for the Maple/Stadium Corridor. It's really important for the commission to hear from folks who support this important project. If you support TC1 for this area and are able to, please call into the meeting tonight and let them know how you feel. You can read more about th project here.  

1 comment:

  1. The meeting was held and vote 6-0 with 2 recusals to send proposal on to City Council with possible ammendment later in the zero foot setback from sidewalk as observed poor line of sight when pulling out from side streets onto stadium.
