Here's a preview of what you'll see if you go to the Ann Arbor City Council meeting for Monday, December 16, 2013. Follow along on CTN (Channel 16) online, or if you are on Twitter, look for the hashtag #a2council.
Of note below: a proposal to spend $125,000 in police overtime on traffic enforcement, and a proposal to spend $80,000 to implement a kitchen scraps composting program including giving away 6,000 buckets. Three public hearings are scheduled, including one that will take public comment about a proposed $45,000 fee for developers for each metered parking space that their development removes.
UPDATE Sunday, December 15: last minute addition of a proposal to turn the net proceeds of the Old Y Lot sale over to an affordable housing fund, and the Ann Arbor Chronicle weighs in with a detailed preview.
UPDATE Monday, December 16: extra last minute addition of "Resolution Confirming the Termination of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the City and University Regarding Fuller Road Station" by CM Kunselman.
Photo: Pun Plamondon Addresses Ann Arbor City Council, Ann Arbor News, 1973.
MC-1. Mayoral appointments. Nothing controversial is on the agenda, but the Ann Arbor Chronicle points out that the board that meets to set the Mayor's salary only has 2 of 7 members appointed, and they call for quick appointments to that board so that it can make a quorum.
PH-1, PH-2. Two quick public hearings regarding annexation of parcels from the township.
PH-3. A public hearing on proposed fees of $45,000 for each downtown metered parking space removed from the city's parking inventory by developers or developments. Expect pushback from developers.
B-1, B-2. Annexation of township parcels. Update your city maps!
DC-1. A proposal for fees of $45,000 for each metered space taken by a developer. I expect a debate over the exact number, since the estimate was based on 2009 construction costs.
DC-2. Non-motorized plan implementation strategy; directs the City Administrator to report back on efforts to implement the non-motorized plan. "That the City Council desires that the foregoing plans include elements of the 2013 Update to the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan related to pedestrian, driver, and cyclist education; improved signage; improved engineering of pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle interface zones; and increased enforcement attention to pedestrian safety."
DC-3. Funding for the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. It's never too soon to start thinking about Art Fair.
DC-4. Proposal from Kunselman and Lumm to spend $125,000 in police overtime on traffic enforcement. "WHEREAS, City Council desires to increase traffic enforcement without reducing other Police services;".
DC-5. Proposal to allocate Old Y Lot proceeds to the affordable housing fund.
DC-6. Proposal to terminate of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Ann Arbor and the Regents of the University of Michigan for the Development of Fuller Road Station.
DS-1. City Planning Commission bylaws update.
DS-2. Expanded food composting! The proposal would buy 6,000 kitchen food recycling buckets (Sure-Close kitchen composters, costing $4.10 a piece wholesale) and distribute them free to citizens, and then allow them to mix these food scraps into their city compost bins. The compost processing would change accordingly to process materials more quickly through the system so that the food scraps don't raise a stink. Total cost, including subsidizing more compost carts, is about $80,000.
DS-3. Accept a Forest Service grant for tree trimming.
DS-4. The MRF fixed a baler, and now we need to pay for it ($62,000).
F-2. The State Treasury wrote a letter to the city about irregularities in its audit. (Story, Ann Arbor Chronicle).
F-3. The Mayor vetoes last week's Crosswalk Ordinance changes.
Meeting minutes! The ones of note are the Public Market Advisory Commission, which is a full year late in filing its minutes of December 20, 2012, and a January 1, 2013 meeting of the Building Board of Appeals. (Really, January 1? That looks wrong.)
The meeting will end with a closed session.
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