Monday, May 1, 2017

EDITORIAL: Vote to support your schools

Citizens in the Ypsilanti Community Schools district as well as those who in the Ann Arbor Public Schools have the opportunity to vote to support their respective school districts today. Broadly speaking, schools in our state are not doing well. For example, we've slid from 28th in 4th grade reading in 2003 to 41st in 2015 1. Schools are generally not in great financial shape. Grosse Pointe Public Schools is considering letting students from other school districts enroll in GPPS for a tuition fee of $13,000 per year. It's important in these difficult times that we do what we can to support our local school districts. That's why I strongly support both of these millages.

The YCS vote is to renew a 18 mil property tax levy on non-homestead properties. It would raise approximately $9 million per year for the district's general fund. AAPS is asking voters to approve a 2.5 mil sinking fund millage. The 10-year tax would generate approximately $20 million per year for construction or repair of school facilities. Because this is a May vote, turnout will be low, and your vote can mean the difference for students in our community.


1. Michigan students sliding fast toward the bottom

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