Gentle reader, tonight is the second #a2counil meeting of June. I hope you are as excited as I am. Here's the agenda. The night starts off with deep 36 item Consent Agenda. Ca-18, CA-19, and CA-20 are road diets for Earhart, Traverwood, and Green Roads, respectively. If I were a betting man, I would bet these get pulled from the consent agenda. Earlier this year. the current council majority voted to require all road lane reductions to come to council for approval.
Other interesting items on tonight's agenda include: DC-2 a Resolution to Approve the City's Constituent Membership in the Washtenaw Regional Resource Management Authority (WRRMA). WRRMA would be a county-wide recycling authority. There are also DS-1 and DS-2, which have to do with sidewalk assessments along Dhu Varren.
Make sure you tune in tonight at 7 to watch CTN's live stream and follow the blow-by-blow action on #a2council hashtag on Twitter.
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