The world feels like it has turned upside down since the last #a2council meeting. Still, the gears of government grind on. Here's the agenda for the March 16 meeting.
The evening kicks off with a 20 item consent agenda. There are 4 street closings for various festivals, concerts, and races between May 10 and July 10. Will these events happen? Maybe. Hard to say at this point.
There is one public hearing on a township island rezoning.
On to ordinance first readings. C-1 is the entertainment noise district, though the link on the agenda isn't there so I don't know what's up with that. C-2 is a routine township island rezoning. C-3 through C-7 are all rezoning land as parkland. All in all we are getting 35.8 new acres of parkland. Nice.
The item I am most excited about is DC-3. This resolution would direct Planning Commission to create a Transit Supported Development District. My understanding is that this would allow for greater density and remove parking minimums along transit corridors (e.g. State, Plymouth, Washtenaw). I think this would be a great way of helping the city reach its carbon goals and I hope it passes.
Well gentle reader, that's a pretty short preview. What items are you most excited about? Remember to tune into CTN at 7pm and follow all the action on the #a2council hashtag.
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