Monday, September 20, 2021

Ann Arbor City Council Preview: September 20, 2021


Gentle readers, it's #a2Council night in Ann Arbor. Here's the meeting agenda, and here's the excellent A2AF episode on the agenda. 

The evening kicks off with a small, nine-item consent agenda. CA-1 is for repairing and expanding the bridge on E Medical Center Drive near the intersection with Fuller. I'm all for repairing our infrastructure, but expanding lanes seems like it's counter to our Vision Zero and climate goals. If it has to go through, I'd really like what WCEB has proposed for the area. 

They go into this in the A2AF episode linked above. You should really give it a listen. 

There are two public hearings on tonight's agenda. PH-1/B-1 is on the second reading of the personal mobility device ordinance. This is good an it'll formalize the rules around escooters, ebikes and trikes and where the rules for their safe operation. PH-2/B-2 is the second reading of the updates to the animal ordinance. This is generally aimed at preventing animal cruelty. 

C-1 is the first reading of an ordinance that would remove indoor storage and warehousing from the C2B zone, which is intended for a near downtown-ish commercial districts. This seems good. DC-1 is a resolution to set up a study committee for the potential Hayden House Historic District. DC-2 is a resolution to establish a Renteers Commission. This is great and long overdue. I really appreciate CM Radina for taking point on it. One quibble: there are two non-voting positions for landlords, to which I say "Common man, this is a renters commission, not a rentiers commission. Landlords are welcome to participate just like any member of the public."

As always, gentle reader, I am probably forgetting some very important items here. What agenda items are you most looking forward to seeing. I am guessing that tonight will be another late night around the virtual council table. Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag.

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