Tonight is the first #a2Council meeting of 2023. Here's the agenda.
The meeting kicks off with a report from the Independent Police Oversight Commission.
There is a pretty modest, 11-item consent agenda. Of note, CA-3 and CA-4 which both involve purchasing conservation easements in Webster Township.
There are 4 public hearings on the docket this evening. PH-1/B-1 is on revisions to the best value purchasing ordinance. PH-2/DB-1 and PH-3/DB-2 are on routine township island annexations. PH-4/DB-3 is on the 2023-2028 Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan. I anticipate that there will be a lot of folks calling in tonight lobbing for their preferred use for the Library Lot. Personally, I think city council should think about setting a ballot question to repeal 2018's Prop A so that the Library Lot can be used for it's intended purpose: housing and a plaza. If you'd like to read more about the Library Lot, you can do so here. If you have strong feelings about the best use of the Library Lot, don't hesitate to call into this open public hearing.
Further down the agenda, there are two ordinance first readings. C-1 is the first reading of a PUD at 530 N Division. This will allow a pretty cool looking 4-unit building to be built. C-2 is the first reading of an ordinance amending storm water management rules.
On to the resolutions! DC-1 is a resolution to appoint Brian Steglitz as Public Services Area Administrator. DC-2 is to recommend a Downtown Development Liquor License to Tastu at 620 E Liberty. DC-3 is a resolution to revise a Class C Liquor License for A2Wineman, LLC.
And that's all there is. Looks like a pretty modest agenda. What items are you most looking forward to seeing? Hopefully we will see you there. The CTN stream starts at 7 pm. Make sure you follow the action on the #a2Council hashtag or on
Who is this Tatsu at 620 E Liberty? Is it the name of the company for The Seoul?